The West Bengal Government has announced the launch of the Taposli Bandhu Pension Scheme and Jai Bangla Pension Scheme for Scheduled Castes (SC) and Schuduled Tribes (ST).
Overview of Jai Bangla Pension Scheme
- Scheme Name - Jai Bangla Pension.
- Launched By - State Government.
- Beneficiaries - Citizen Of State.
- Registration Mode - Online / Offline
- Objective - To Provide Financial Assistance to the needy.
- Launching Date - 01st April 2020.
- Category - West Bengal Govt.
- Official Website -
Objective of West Bengal Jai Bangla Pension Scheme
The West Bengal Government has launched several schemes for the poor ,needy in the state. Moving forward in this sequence, the state government has started the WB Jai Bangla Pension Scheme. The main Objective of starting this pension scheme is to provide financial security to the needy aged, disabled and widowed women in the state through a pension.
Eligibility Criteria
- This Pension scheme used by the West Bengal Government has been started only for the permanent residents of the state.
- In this scheme only Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are eligible to apply.Apart form this, there is a possibility of cancellation of other applications.
- Only poor people belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are eligible to avail of this pension scheme.
- According to the guidelines issued by the state government, in case of an application by a person below 60 years of age, his application will be cancelled.
- To avail of the Jai Bangla Pension Scheme, it is mandatory for the applicant to have an account with the bank.
- If the applicant is already receiving any other government assistance at the national or state level then he is not eligible to avail of this pension.
- Aadhar Card
- Voter ID Card
- Digital Ration Card
- Pan Card
- Cast Certificate
- Copy of digital certificate issued by the authority
- Bank Account
- Residential Certificate (Self Attested)
- 4 Copy Passport Image